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PEARLs Program

Updated: Sep 26, 2024

An Outreach Initiative

By Dr Jonathan Henry

The inaugural PEARLS (POCUS for Emergency and Acute care in Resource-Limited Settings) course was run in Port Vila, Vanuatu in August 2022. Ni-Vanuatu doctors received handheld ultrasound probes to plug in to their smartphone or tablet, and undertook three days of ultrasound training from a visiting Australasian team.

The team consisted of three emergency physicians - Jonathan Henry, Darsim Haji and Mick Killeen - and most importantly, sonographer-extraordinaire Jo McCann! Post-course the upskilled doctors are continuing to receive educational feedback via remote image review.

Plans are afoot to broaden the project's reach in the Pacific - connect with us on Twitter @PEARLS_POCUS to learn more about our ongoing work.


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