Logbook Requirements
To successfully complete the eFAST module a minimum of 25 accurate examinations must be performed. At least 50% of these examinations must be clinically indicated and at least five should be positive for either intraperitoneal, pleural, pericardial fluid, or pneumothorax.
These scans should be recorded in your logbook and saved images should be reviewed and signed off by your supervisor.
Minimum Imaging Set and Supervisor Auditing Guide
The minimum imaging set and image auditing guide is available here.
Formative and Summative Assessments
2 Formative and a final summative assessment must be completed.
Ongoing Skills Maintenance Requirements
To maintain their credentials, the emergency medicine sonologist must undertake at least three hours of ultrasound training per year and perform 25 EFAST examinations for the EFAST module over a 2 year period.
The logbook is available here for download or for copying to your google drive (if logged in via your google account).